REFLECTIONS OF LOVE When we approach an embodied practice through Ritual, the benefits are amplified manifold.
Join us for a unique Ritual where we will be harnessing the power of the new year to turn inward, reflecting upon our highest vibration of LOVE so we can then expand upon this birthright to illuminate the places within ourselves that are calling out to be acknowledged, seen, accepted, forgiven and celebrated. If you are concerned about the state of our world today and want to make a difference in creating a positive shift, this Ritual is for YOU.
In this two-hour SPECIAL EVENT, we begin in a seated share circle, to arrive as ONE community. Then we embody somatic yoga movements and shapes deeply connected to the breath, sound, mudra, constructive relaxation, and meditation. This offering has evolved over decades of Soña's personal practices and life experiences.
Please bring a journal, pen, and sacred object representing unconditional love.
To learn more about Sona, click