Sedonya Conscious Living Center

Breathwork Ceremony for New Earth Visionaries
with Leandra Rose

March 3 (Sunday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
120 minutes

Cathedral Room

Awaken the Creator Within: Breathwork Ceremony for New Earth Visionaries ready to actualize their 5D visions into 3D reality

Join us for this powerful experience to get out of the ethers and embody your power to create heaven on earth 

During this experiential journey, Leandra Rose, a master breathwork teacher with over 20 years of experience in human potential and reprogramming, will guide you through a unique process and energy attunement using your breath with intentionally curated music to clear the way for higher consciousness. 

This process supports the release of old patterns, limiting beliefs and stuck emotions so that you can access extreme clarity and innovative insights. 


Join us for this 2 hour activation ceremony to...

  • Light the inner fire your body needs to take ACTION on your intuitive downloads 

  • Let go of all spiritual outsourcing and come back to YOUR own power

  • Activate dormant DNA to embody your true Creatorshhip 

  • Discover the inner blueprint to your prosperity for greater impact

About your facilitator

Leandra Rose holds a BA in Behavioral Science and Human Development and was an early childhood educator for 15 years. Now a transformational coach and founder of The Radiant Rebellion, she specializes in empowering cycle breakers & visionaries to release the familial and cultural imprinting that blocks them from living their most authentic & fulfilling lives.

Leandra started her transformational work in 2008 after healing her anxiety and panic attacks with meditation. This set her off on a journey to become a master teacher in breathwork, meditation, embodiment, energetics & mindset. Leandra has transformed her own traumas into the powerful healing presence and process she brings to her sessions and workshops. It’s also her extensive background in psychology, somatic experiencing & mindfulness that creates a unique, empowering and safe space for her clients to unlock their highest potential.

From teaching meditation to billion dollar corporations to leading small, intimate retreats for rising leaders, Leandra holds an exquisite space that allows her clients to have profound breakthroughs in life, health, heart & purpose. 


“I’ve never made such profound leaps forward in my self-development process and connection to myself as I have with Leandra. If you are ready and willing to open yourself up to who you really are, I cannot recommend Leandra enough. No matter where you are in your process, Leandra will help take you to that next level. Leandra was able to crack me open in a way I’ve never experienced and I can never thank her enough.”

-Michael Peer, Director & Screenwriter, Los Angeles


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