Sedonya Conscious Living Center

Vajrasattva Empowerment: Buddha of Purifcation follow by Tea ceremony
with Gaden Shartse Cultural Foundation Monks

March 9 (Saturday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Cathedral Room

When: Sunday March 9th
Time:  6p to 7:30 pm
Donation: $25 pp

Vajrasattva is the Buddhist deity of Purification. The practice of the Vajrasattva deity purifies all negative actions committed by our body, through our speech, and in our minds. All that has been contaminated through our own negativities will be cleansed, and we will be able to begin afresh. The Vajrasattva practice is also capable of uprooting and purifying the negative imprints that we have carried over from our previous lives. This empowerment will include the transmission of the 100 Syllable Mantra.


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