Sedonya Conscious Living Center

Voice Liberation Workshop with Neda Boin
with Neda Boin

March 17 (Sunday)
at 1:30 pm

Class length
270 minutes

Cathedral Room

Time:  Doors open at 1:00 PM, Workshop starts at 1:30 PM, Ends at 6:00 PM  

Tickets:  $111 (Includes a $15 discount for the Healing Concert on March 15th)

Unleash Your Inner Voice: A Transformative Journey 

Join us for an extraordinary workshop with Neda Boin, a world-renowned singer-songwriter and spiritual teacher, for an experience that will open your heart like never before. The Voice Liberation workshop is an opportunity to discover and harness the power of your voice, not as a tool for singing, but as a pathway to personal freedom and healing.

 What is Voice Liberation?

Voice Liberation is a unique and profound experience that transcends conventional singing. It's about accessing and releasing deep-seated emotional blocks and trauma through the power of your voice. This method reaches into the depths of your being, touching places that the rational mind struggles to access, bringing to the surface emotions and blocks for release and healing.

 No Singing Skills Required

This workshop is for everyone, regardless of singing ability. All you need is the desire to be free and the willingness to explore the depths of your inner self.

 Testimonials That Speak Volumes

"I have spent thousands of dollars in therapy, and none of it got me anywhere close to the release that I got with you." - Kat Frith

“I’ve been studying A Course in Miracles for so long, but something happened during your sessions that I never experienced before. It was like something went quantum and there was immediate healing. I don’t understand what happened. I have been studying so long, but now I feel it, my heart has opened, I’m in the real experience of it!”

- Ewa

“Neda’s Voice Liberation sessions are very heart opening and mind clearing. They are a way of revealing and clearing unconscious beliefs and thoughts. I highly recommend Neda’s sessions for nurturing the forgiveness process and accelerating healing in mind for those who truly want to heal.”– David Hoffmeister, Mystic, bestselling author and founder of Living Miracles

“Neda’s voice liberation workshops are powerful beyond measure. They are a way to transcend the thinking mind into a direct experience of unity and freedom. Neda is not only a gifted singer and songwriter, she is one of the most dynamic teachers of A Course in Miracles that I know.” – Corinne Zupko – bestselling and award-winning author of From Anxiety To Love


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