Sedonya Conscious Living Center

Full Moon Frequency Healing Immersion
with Ron Damico

February 24 (Saturday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
120 minutes

Cathedral Room

The Heart and Soul of Wisdom

An Experiential Full Moon Event

April’s Pink Full Moon is an auspicious time for permanent transformation. The past month has introduced powerful frequencies of change from the solar eclipse and new moon convergence. With your heart-centered intent to live your full potential, we can end the karmic cycle and activate your innate passion for living a balanced and beautiful life. This full moon is ushering in a transformative wave of true balance at the heart and soul of life itself. No more limitations, judgments, or struggles. This is a time for the activation of truth, compassion, and love brought into action through wisdom, innocence, joy, and peace as the foundation of the new era of human life. 

We will hold an anointing ceremony at the start of this event to magnify the awareness of these higher frequencies. Ron will intuit an essential oil blend that will assist everyone in opening and feeling a deeper way of living, knowing, and feeling that is part of the new earth continuum. 

During this event, Ron will give a spiritual talk and guided healing meditation, along with his signature energy work, hands-on/surrogate healing, and encoded toning activations. Sonya Belisle and Angela Jade will tap into their 10+ years of experience with sound healing and space holding to support your journey by creating a soundscape as a mystical backdrop. This will create a grounding foundation for your healing journey of transformation through gongs, crystal alchemy bowls, and other supportive healing tools.

To see who Ron Damico is and how he works, please visit


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