Sedonya Conscious Living Center

Laughter-Tears-Silence Event . A Taste of the Mystic Rose Meditation
with Chaya and Indi

March 23 (Saturday)
at 10:30 am

Class length
90 minutes

Sicatuva Room

Laughter-Tears-Silence Event
 A Taste of the Osho Mystic Rose Meditation

Restore your natural resources of liveliness, self-compassion, relaxation and meditation

1. Phase One: Laughter 

‘Laughter brings some energy from your inner 
source to your surface…when you really laugh, 
for those few moments, you are in a deep 
meditative state.’ OSHO

Laughter releases emotional tension and has a profound healing effect on the muscular, circulatory, immune, nervous and hormonal systems. In laughing you simply go beyond your thinking mind - and find spontaneity and joy.

2. Phase Two: Tears 

 ‘No words are able to express the beauty of the tears… Your tears come directly from your very heart.’ OSHO

After laughing tears come easily. In this protected setting, you can welcome tears of pain, of anguish, gratefulness and joy. They help us to be vulnerable and to be open 
to love and silence.

3. Phase Three:  Silent Sitting

‘Listen to silence, it has so much to say.’ RUMI  

After laughing and crying, one naturally relaxes into ones inner most being. Nothing to do here. Just relax and rest inside, witnessing awareness happens by itself.

Indi Gerald Bronstein MD and Chaya Mueller Bronstein are the facilitators of this event. They have more than 30 years experience with OSHO meditations.  Working in Europe Asia and America. They are passionate about these processes that allow us to move from the head to the heart to the being.x

Please arrive 10-15 minutes early, bring a water bottle and a shawl or blanket.


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