Sedonya Conscious Living Center

The Song of the Soul Initiation ((LIVESTREAM))
with Multiple Guides


March 2 (Saturday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
180 minutes

Live Stream

Frequency Energy Medicine, SoulMonic Sound Healing and Ayni Despacho & Fire Ceremony

With Ron Damico, Three Trees, & Greta Hough 

Immerse yourself in a profound evening of transformation as three master teachers and healers come together to combine and magnify their magic for a powerhouse evening of elevation. 

Join Three Trees, Ron Damico and Greta Hough for a powerfully transformative evening as they weave together energy medicine, sound healing and the magic of an Ayni Despacho Fire Ceremony.

Awaken your spirit to create the new human through the soundscapes of life, the wisdom of the shamanic ages, and the transmission and activation of spirit-to-spirit transmission of hands-on healing.

We are at a time in human evolution when the power, beauty, and connectedness of the past become married to the creation of the new human paradigm of evolutionary life through an awakening of experiential wisdom. 


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