Sedonya Conscious Living Center

Rain Dance Ceremony ((LIVE STREAM))
with Eve Crowe


May 25 (Saturday)
at 7:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Live Stream

Join from wherever you are via LIVE STREAM

Saturday May 25th, 2024
7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Exchange : $11

Join us for a joyous gathering where we unite to bring refreshing rains and foster global harmony!


Our Gathering is a delightful opportunity for you to contribute towards global peace and environmental well-being. Participate in ancient rain dances that celebrate and encourage the natural cycles of our planet.


Experience the magic of spontaneous rainfalls that have graced our past events, as Eve Crowe and her fellow musicians bring their vibrant music to life. These dances, entrusted to Eve by a native elder, honor our connection to the earth and its seasons.


Eve Crowe's mission is to bring us together to create a season filled with abundant rain and sunshine. Enjoy an enchanting lineup featuring Eve Crowe, John Dumas, Ako Mantis, Niko Light, and Jaya Lakshmi.


Join us in a circle led by Eve for the Raindance, followed by an exhilarating session of drumming and dancing. We aim to celebrate and invite the joyful spirits of water and thunder.


Bring your drums, rattles, and instruments—everyone is welcome to participate, regardless of musical experience. Let’s come together to celebrate, connect, and create positive change through the power of community and tradition!


No experience needed to participate. 



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