Sedonya Conscious Living Center

Time Spirals & Future Visioning Journey | Thrive 2025
with Sionna Skye

January 1 (Wednesday)
at 1:00 pm

Class length
120 minutes

Cathedral Room

Align with what you dream and set the stage for you to Thive in 2025.

Using a series of fun  modalities... including some  visualizations, and journaling,  youll learn how to design and magnetize your future by focusing on joy, love, and gratitude.

Together, we will co-create a powerful roadmap to bridge the gap between what is probable and the field of unlimited possiblities ....  

Discover the tools to shift from feeling stuck to confidently stepping into your power.  

Clarify your vision, release limiting patterns, and infuse your goals with intentional energy.

This is a short yet powerful journey designed to for you to tap into your feelings of inspiration and empowerment ....   

#Thrivein2025 because when we #AllThrive we create a world that we #AllWanttoLiveIn 


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