Sedonya Conscious Living Center

Creative Attunements for Inner Harmony and World Peace
with Lenore Culin

February 13 (Thursday)
at 5:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Guan Yin Room

An inner exploration with Lenore Culin

Refresh your heart, mind and spirit in a vibrant flow of music and luminous imagery.  As you rise through the colors of the spectrum, Lenore invites you to release limitations at each level restoring your natural harmony and peace of mind while creating new visions for yourself and the Earth.

  • Clear and balance your energies

  • Activate  your heart’s desires

  • Strengthen inner resources

  • Embody love

“After years of trying I finally felt I was able to love myself.” Singles group participant

“an effective tool to realign ourselves with our Self. Long-lasting results enabled me to share the peace and wholeness with others.” - Ray Platt, Meditation Magazine

“Your sincere expression provided a dynamic and highly educational workshop. Many participants have indicated that it continues to have a positive impact on their lives.”  - Dennis Roberts, Unity Singles Fellowship leader, Phoenix

Lenore Culin, MA, created this color visualization for her own development in 1984, with wisdom gleaned from around the world. She added light and sound for a unique approach to energy healing, with dramatic results at the ARE medical clinic in Phoenix. To reach more people she produced a video, collaborating with award-winning musician Craig Pruess to support each invitation to shift awareness for a profound tune-up of heart, mind and spirit. 

Lenore’s video and audio tools and live events have touched thousands of lives, with many breakthroughs reported in well-being, relationships, creativity, and expanded awareness. She has recently returned from Costa Rica where she provided inspiring programs at top retreat centers. There she developed remote healing through the quantum field, combined with Attunement to align with greatest good and speed the process of healing and awakening. 

Portions of the film Attunement for Personal and Planetary Transformation, may be viewed at www.Attunement.Life. To request information on remote healing or for speaking engagements contact [email protected]

at Sedonya Conscious Living Center, 120 Deer Trail Dr. Sedona       Energy exchange $15 or All Access Pass $12


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