Sedonya Conscious Living Center

Yoga Journey through the Chakras Online
with Naomi Rose


August 7 (Saturday)
at 10:30 am

Class length
120 minutes

Live Stream

Cleanse, balance, and activate the chakras, allowing the kundalini to rise.Hatha, Flow, Kundalini, Pranayama, Chanting, and more.We’ll travel up the chakras and then back down. A gentle and powerful afternoon of opening, healing, and awakening.All levels welcome. No experience necessary.

About Naomi C. Rose:

Naomi C. Rose draws upon a lifetime of experience in yoga (she started at age 13!) as well as her shamanic and other trainings in her offerings as a yoga teacher. Her classes encourage us to heal and awaken to our true nature, to grow in compassion, and to be a loving presence in community. Students appreciate Naomi’s spiritual and transformative teaching. She teaches from her heart, gives clear guidance, and creates a loving, supportive atmosphere for all levels.


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