Sedonya Conscious Living Center

EKAM Circle : Prosperity
with Margaret Joy Weaver

June 30 (Wednesday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
75 minutes

Join a sacred weekly EKAM Circle to ignite different areas of life with the power of Universal Intelligence, connection, and EKAM – The Oneness Field.

Led by Margaret Joy Weaver, Ekam Transformer and Ekam Mitra

Ekam Circles offer meditations, wisdom teachings and sacred blessings. Shift from disconnection to connection resulting in: Creative and accelerated solutions to challenges!Profound physical, emotional and spiritual healing!

Deeper purpose and connection in areas of health, wealth, relationships, work!

Ekam Circles are scheduled weekly in cycles of 8.

Each week a gift is offered.

Week 4: Prosperity
Week 7: Intelligence

8 Classes pass : $100

Be well within and with others


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